Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis, and told you need to have a laparoscopy procedure? Are you wondering exactly what that means, and wishing someone would explain it to you clearly? You’ve come to the right place! I can walk you through what to expect, and answer some questions that might be causing you anxiety.
The procedure known as laparoscopy is performed as surgery in a hospital operating room. The physician uses a telescopic camera that is introduced through a very small perforation in the skin, instead of using a full incision. The camera then will allow the surgeon to look at and evaluate the uterus, ovaries, and other internal female organs. The doctor may also choose to biopsy any lesions or growths that appear to be suspicious. At the same time small, externally dangling, pedunculate fibroids can be removed.
Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis is increasing in popularity. This enables surgeons to eliminate endometrial implants by removing them with a special laser technique that is specific to each tissue type, while leaving the reproductive system intact. It allows most, if not all, of the endometrial implants to be removed with a less invasive procedure.
The outcome of this procedure is greatly dependent on the amount and extent of the endometriosis and the physician’s skill. In an ideal situation, it is best to see an endometriosis specialist, or someone that has done this procedure hundreds of times, who will be more familiar with this type of procedure. It’s important to note that in some cases, a repeat procedure might be recommended because endometriosis can grow back.
Sometimes there is adhesion scar tissue that also can develop. Adhesion scar tissue is like internal filaments that adhere tissue together in the abdomen similar to a cobweb in nature.
It is not usually suggested to remove the uterus in cases of endometriosis, because the condition is systemic and not caused by the uterus.
I hope this brief overview gave you a better idea of what to expect. For more information, see our articles about symptoms, causes, and natural treatment of endometriosis.